Worldwise - Our Commitment Responsible Travel
Flight Centre Travel Group is committed to promoting and selling travel that respects human rights, the environment, and social equality – we have embodied this commitment in our Responsible Travel Charter and have a passionate Worldwise Committee to oversee its implementation.
Each and every day we encourage friends, family and our customers to tread lightly when they travel with the Five Responsible Travel Tips. Join us on our journey of responsible travel with these 5 simple actions…
Five Responsible Travel Tips
CONSERVE water – Much of the world suffers from a shortage of clean water so we can help by reusing hotel towels, taking short showers and turning off the tap.
REDUCE your waste – Ditch the plastic bag, refuse unnecessary packaging, dispose of your waste responsibly and pick up rubbish too! Recycle as much as possible.
GO LOCAL – Enjoy locally owned and operated restaurants and bars. Shop in the local markets and stores and utilise the expertise of local guides when booking tours or activities.
CARE ABOUT the wildlife –Take a ‘look but don’t touch’ approach to wildlife activities and avoid any attractions that involve ‘performance’, riding or closely engaging with wild animals.
RESPECT the local people and culture – Along with obeying local laws, this relates to dressing and behaving in a manner appropriate to the community.
Responsible Travel Charter – The Four Pillars
The Responsible Tourism Charter also introduces and establishes the 4 Pillars or areas where we believe our company has the best opportunity to create positive change.
The economic, social, environmental health and the welfare of wildlife in the communities and places to which we are connected through our business, are very important to us, not only as a company, but to the individuals who make up the company. It is in these 4 pillars that we believe we can deliver the greatest benefit.
Social Pillar
The cultural and social wellbeing of the communities where we live, work, and travel to, are vitally important to the way that we, as an organisation, go about conducting our business.
As a global travel company, Flight Centre Travel Group (FCTG) is a primary stakeholder in all of the communities where we operate as well as the communities to which our customers travel. We believe that as a stakeholder we have a responsibility to respect the cultural and social wellbeing of these communities and that our unique position provides us with the ability to exert a positive influence on these communities.
Our social goal is
To build a brighter future in the communities where we work, live and travel, promote closer ties and respect among people and cultures, and offer a helping hand in times of need.
Environment Pillar
The protection of the environment is very important to us, not only as a company but to the individuals that make up the company. Tourism relies on resources that are fragile and must be protected. As a company, we actively manage and reduce the environmental impact of our business.
We also recognise the need to support sustainable travel activities that promote environmental awareness, conserve and protect the environment, and respect wildlife, flora, biodiversity, ecosystems and cultural diversity.
Our environmental goal is
To support tourism activities that promote environmental awareness, conserve and protect the environment and respect wildlife.
Wildlife Pillar
The welfare of animals is very important to us, not only as a company but to the individuals that make up the company. We believe that all animals should live in a reasonable state of welfare and are committed to doing our part to make this a reality.
We are engaging and will continue to engage with employees across the business to benefit from their front-line knowledge and experience. Our goal is to use our influence wherever we can to end the practice of cruel animal attractions. In pursuit of that goal we do not seek to criticise consumers interested in animal attractions, but rather to inform them about potential problems and, where appropriate, provide them with suitable alternatives.
Consumers rely on us for our knowledge and experience and accordingly, we must ensure that we have taken all possible steps to understand animal welfare and how it relates to our business.
Our wildlife goal is
To take steps to understand and prevent animal cruelty from being a part of tourism.
Economic Pillar
The economic health of the communities to which we are connected through our business is very important to us, not only as a company, but to the people who make up the company’s vital workforce.
As a global travel business, FCTG is a stakeholder in all of the communities where we operate as well as the communities to which our customers travel. We understand and accept that as a stakeholder we have a responsibility to respect the economic wellbeing of these communities and that our unique position provides us with the ability to positively influence these communities.
Our Economic goal is
To make a positive contribution to the economies of the destinations where we work, live and travel, and ensure that there is equal sharing of the benefits and burdens of tourism.