Tuk-Tuks And Taxis: The Best Ways To Get Around Bangkok

29 April 2014
Read Time: 1.7 mins

Be prepared for a whole lot of hustle and bustle when visiting Bangkok. There are plenty of ways to get around and explore the energetic Thai capital, so here are some of the main types of transport in the city.


Bangkok and tuk-tuks go hand in hand and can be an exciting way to zip around. Tuk-tuks are everywhere, but given Bangkok's heavy traffic it can be more enjoyable to take a ride around the quieter parts of the city – maybe to see some of the historical sights further out of the city.

Tuk-tuks can move very quickly and usually make for a thrilling ride, so if you love to get among the excitement of local life and can hold your own when negotiating prices, a tuk-tuk will be an experience you’ll never forget.

 A tuk-tuk waits outside a temple


Taxis are by far the most convenient way to get around Bangkok and are abundant in the city. However, it’s a good idea to remember that Bangkok traffic can get extremely busy during peak hour. Because of this, a taxi ride may not always be the quickest way to get to your destination, although you should at least have no trouble finding one!

Fares generally start at around 35 baht, though you should check the printed price list once you get into the cab. It’s common for drivers to claim the meter is ‘broken’ and try and negotiate a fixed fare. While technically not allowed, it can still be a convenient way to get around town if you don’t mind paying slightly over the odds. If you have no wish to negotiate, simply hop out and find another cab.


The Skytrain, also known as the Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) is one of the most cost-effective ways to navigate Bangkok. It mainly operates in the inner city, so it’s the best way to quickly navigate Bangkok’s bustling inner precincts. As the name suggests, the Skytrain is elevated so it makes for a nice vantage point as you whizz around the Thai capital.

Express Boat

A leisurely journey down the Chao Phraya River is an enjoyable way to see Bangkok if you have the time to sit back and relax. There are a couple of options to choose from, ranging from local commuter boats through to guided cruises and tourist boats. A trip up the river to Nonthaburi generally takes an hour and is the perfect way to take in the sights and sounds of this picturesque river city.

Walking Tours

Walking is always a great way to get around any city, even lively Bangkok. Walking tours offer the chance to experience things face to face without losing too much time or missing out on anything interesting or essential.

A wide variety of tours are available, spanning a few hours to a whole day, and they encompass everything from local sights and cultural attractions to dedicated food and shopping tours.

Tracy Fitzgerald

Tracy Fitzgerald is a big believer that relaxation comes in many forms and has been travelling her whole life trying to discover ways to pacify her restless soul. Her travels have seen her teaching surfing (badly) in the Dominican Republic, playing her violin to strangers in Prague, ‘Jeeping’ around tropical Puerto Rican islands, and living the high life in Dubai and the busy life in London. Now in Sydney, Tracy is a writer and editor who is still trying her very best to just relax…