Fully vaxxed travellers from anywhere in the world can now enter Thailand without quarantine.*
-- enter Thailand by air, and
-- book and pay for two nights' accommodation on Day 1 and Day 5 of your arrival at a SHA+ (Special Health Accommodation) certified hotel.
-- take a RT-PCR Covid test on Day 1 and Day 5 of your visit and stay at the hotel while you wait for results.
What You Will Need?
-- You must apply for a Thailand pass at least 7 days prior to your travel date. If you have a certificate of entry (COE) pass, this will still be valid. You should allow 3-5 working days for the approval process.
-- You must provide proof of a RT-PCR test indicating a negative Covid-19 result issued no more then 72 hours before travelling.
-- You will need an insurance policy with coverage of no less than US$50,000. This will cover costs of treatment and medical expenses involved with being infected with Covid-19.
-- A confirmed payment for a 2-night stay (on Day 1 and Day 5) at SHA+ or alternative quarantine accommodation and 1 RT-PCR test.
-- A certificate with proof of full vaccination 14 days prior to travel.

-- Undergo entry screening upon arrival and submit all documentation to officials.
-- You will stay in SHA+ Hotel on Day 1 or date of arrival and do a COVID-19 test. Once you receive a negative result of the RT-PCR COVID-19 test you're allowed to freely travel everywhere in Thailand.
-- You'll then be required to do a second COVID test on Day 5.
How Thailand Is Keeping You Safe