Best in the air, and everywhere… Even if it’s your lounge room, at least for now. Because in times like these; tough times, challenging times, house-bound/isolation/ how-am-I-going-to-fill-my-day times, we need to look at life's simple pleasures, take inspiration and let our imagination run wild!
Enter: the humble paper plane. It’s an artform as old as time, one that came from such modest beginnings, inspired by the graceful art of origami.
It's exactly what we need to get us through these tough and testing periods. When you’re thinking about where you want to travel to next, when things look a little different and a holiday is back on the cards, focus on that dream destination. Picture that idyllic beach, feel the hustle of that city life go by, or imagine the sweat and satisfaction that 7 day trek will bring, and wish for it all as you launch that piece of folded paper stock through the air!
You’ll see that turning your hallway into a tarmac, your kitchen into an airport control tower and your living room into an airport, to compete with your roomie for the winning model, can fill you with pure happiness and joy! The couch can be the five star lounge for respite and recuperation (and refueling!)
To some this craft is a form of meditation, to others, a detailed science involving precision engineering and excellent hand-eye coordination, but to us, it’s the little bit of fun we need in turbulent times like this. So join the fun to be the best in the air, and everywhere, be that your living room, kitchen, backyard or street curb.
So what is the perfect design?
For your flying pleasure, and a little harmless competition, here are three of the most reliable paper plane designs you’re likely to ever come across. The Conrad, the Glider, and the Basic Dart.
The Basic Dart
Difficulty level: easy
Probably the most iconic paper airplane design, the basic dart is a great one for beginners - it's one of the easiest to fold and is very reliable when it comes to taking flight. Everyone needs one of these in their hanger.
The Conrad
Difficulty level: mid
A step up from the basic dart, the Conrad is for the experienced flyer. It looks the part, this paper origami construction means business, but does require a few extra folds to get there. The Conrad is bound to take you places. Like the kitchen.
The Glider
Difficulty level: easy
According to very important historical research*, the Glider is one of the best paper plane designs of all time. Simple, reliable, sturdy and swift. We suggest you keep a few of these on hand.
*not very well researched but nonetheless, very important.
Share your first flights, turbulent take-offs and gliding successes with us! Tag us on Instagram @flightcentreau and Facebook @flightcentreau!
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