It’s not as hard as you might think, and definitely shouldn’t prevent you from embarking on a super fun experience like cruising. So here are some tips and tricks to curbing seasickness both before you leave the shore and then once on-board.

1. Focus On The Horizon
When what your eyes are seeing and what your inner ear is registering don’t match up in your brain that’s when the problems start. So to help them align you want your eyes to also sense the same feeling of movement that your inner ear has picked up on. Also try not to look at your phone, read a book, use binoculars or cameras or do anything looking at a stationary object.
2. Go Au Naturale
There are so many natural remedies, however grandma’s tried and true cure-all ginger is still the best option out there. The American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology found that those who took a ginger supplement before a theme park ride simulation were better off afterwards than those without the supplement. Grandma is always right.
3. Pull Your Head In
One study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology actually found that preventing seasickness could be as simple as having a positive attitude and setting the expectation before travel with verbal cues like, “I’m not going to get seasick this time.”
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4. Over The Counter
Standard antihistamines have shown to help ease the symptoms of seasickness as they act to block some of the signals in the brain that control nausea. Three different drug options are Dimenhydrinate, Meclizine and Diphenhydramine. Hyoscine hydrobromide is the main medication used to treat motion sickness and is available over the counter in Australia, the most popular brands are Kwells and Travacalm HO. Obviously speak to your doctor to see which/if any of these options are right for you.
5. Change The Scenery
On a ship you are less likely to be seasick on the lower decks or in a central cabin, take this into consideration when booking your room.
6. Prevention Is Better Than Cure
If you know that you’re prone to motion sickness, be sure to eat a small meal before you begin your journey and follow up with small snacks like dry crackers and drink water consistently.
7. If All Else Fails
And your motion sickness is presenting itself as a chronic condition, alternative therapies that have worked for some people include hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).