Dive in!
The Great Barrier Reef is home to hundreds of tropical islands, thousands of golden beaches and a wealth of marine life, set to a backdrop of warm, clear water and sparkling blue skies.
Finding Dory! (aka the Blue Tang fish)
The Great Barrier Reef's World Heritage status was awarded due to the abundance of marine life that call area home. Thousands of species of coral provide shelter for tropical fish, rays, dugongs, turtles, crustaceans and the occasional shark. It's an absolute must to visit the reef from below the ocean's surface – the Great Barrier Reef provides the most spectacular experiences for divers and snorkelers alike. The entire area is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, but still feels the impact of tourism, so make sure you do your bit when visiting and ensure any offshore trips respect the wondrous environment.
Explore the open waters on a day-trip
Starting at the Capricorn Coast and stretching past the tip of Cape York, there are hundreds of places to visit the reef from. The Whitsunday Islands and Cairns are key areas, however Port Douglas, Mission Beach and Airlie Beach are popular alternatives. You can visit any way you like, from camping in the sand to lazing about in a luxurious resort – there's definitely something for every budget, giving you no reason to say no to a holiday in this iconic part of Queensland.