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Argentina Holidays can be action packed or culturally rich
Argentina is a skier's and trekker's wonderland, with a beguiling array of scenery and peoples to meet upon your adventures. This is also the place to find the world's southernmost city – and oft-used gateway to Antarctica – Ushuaia. Other metropolitan stops to include, time-withstanding, are Mendoza and Cordoba. Of course, there's also that sassy, boisterous capital: Buenos Aires. This is a city pulsing with life, the passion of tango and tangles of traffic. Grab some of the best beef in South America when your appetite piques and wander the jacaranda-flanked streets admiring the fine stone facades of the churches and civic buildings.
Lujan Basilica
It might be worth brushing up on your Spanish before you come but don't let language be a barrier – this is a country that will lift you up, spin you around and leave you smiling no matter what you actually say...